Daily Dose of Cute

A tale of doggy friendship, set to Yann Tierson's "Yellow."

Text Onscreen: "Dudley and Zelda: BFFs." Video of Dudley the Greyhound and Zelda the Black-and-Tan Mutt standing in the garden; Zelly playbows at Dudley. Cut to Dudz and Zelly in the garden in winter, in loads of fluffy white snow. Zelly spins to get Dudley to chase her. Dudz fakes her out and takes off; she chases him across the garden to the back patio, where they reconvene and go for a stroll together. Cut to the two of them wrestling in the garden in autumn, leaping and play-biting at each other and chasing each other around. Cut to Dudz chasing Zelly through the garden in the spring; as he catches her, she does a barrel roll to evade him. They run, and then Dudley breaks to shake himself off. Zelly waits patiently, then spins to engage him in a chase again.

Cut to the dogs playing tug-o-war with a plushy toy indoors. Zelly gets it away from Dudz, then offers it back to him again so the game can continue. Cut to the dogs bursting out the back door like a shot into the garden. Cut to Zelly grabbing a plushy lobster and bringing it over to the big pillow where Dudley is lying, and lying down beside him. Cut to Dudley digging in the garden; Zelly sniffs at the hole, leaps playfully at Dudz, then runs in a big circle, coming back to further investigate the hole he's dug. Cut to more dramatic chasing through the garden in early winter. So many waggy tails! Cut to Dudz splayed out in the grass in summer, with Zelly keeping guard in front of him. Cut to the dogs lying on the sofa together, looking at me with their sweet faces. The end.

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