In tandem with today's Helpful Hints post about the radical act of finding women likable, I wanted to open up a discussion thread to discuss how making a habit of liking women (since presumably most readers of this space are on that journey or have already arrived at the destination) has changed our lives.
I almost can't count the number of ways that jettisoning bullshit notions about being an Exceptional Woman and embracing vast and varied female friendship has changed me for the better, and I'm sure I'll share more in comments, but the most important change has been in the way I view myself: My body image, my self-worth, my capacity to draw boundaries and receive love...
A big part of that is because so much of the practice of not liking women is wrapped up in the culture of judgement, and letting go of the culturally-imposed compulsion to judge allowed me to give myself a fucking break, too.
So: How has the radical act of finding women likable changed your life?
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