[Content Note: Pranking/bullying; self-harm.]
I've written before about how I hate the fuck out of pranks, which as far as I'm concerned are a form of bullying, and this story is, if the details of this story are accurate, the worst possible result of a "hilarious prank."
The details are these: Two Australian radio DJs called the hospital at which pregnant Duchess Kate Middleton was staying earlier in the week, and they pretended to be the Queen and Prince Charles. The nurse who answered transferred the call to Kate's room, where the DJs were able to ascertain some information about Kate's condition and care, which they then broadcast.
The DJs heavily promoted their awesome prank, and the call went viral, causing a lot of embarrassment for the hospital (although the Palace was reportedly very understanding) and for the nurse who placed the call (although the hospital defended her).
The nurse, a married mother of two sons, has now committed suicide.
Well. I hope that was worth the laugh.
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