[R]esearch from the American Association of University Women shows that full-time working women are still earning 23% less than men, and Catalyst 2012 Census of Fortune 500 tells us that women held only 16.6% of board seats in 2012, the seventh consecutive year of no growth.Is that a trick question? That feels like a trick question!
So, how can women change this?
Or maybe it's a riddle: How do women, with considerably less wealth and extraordinarily less power within a system that oppresses them, change that system by themselves?
Does the answer involve magic unicorns?! That would be exciting!
Career advisers tell women to be more forward in asking for promotions, pay rises and extra responsibility; to find a mentor; to join a networking group and to accept praise more readily.Oh ha ha sure. Of course. Obviously it's that women need to do more because it's our own failures holding us back.
I wonder what career advisers tell men about how they can change inequality in the workplace? Nothing, I bet!
Will these steps help overhaul your career in 2013? Or do you have a different way of achieving your goals?I have a different way of achieving my goals, CNN!
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