
As you may recall, our neighborhood church regularly features great church signs like "Weed 'em and reap!" and "Man's way is a hopeless end. God's way is an endless hope." and "Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil. It has no point." Ya know, little friendly reminders that my life is worthless garbage and I will be viciously slaughtered by an angry god one day—that sort of thing.

Anyway. Iain snapped this photo of their latest endeavor while he was out walking the dogs last night:

image of a church sign reading: 'Feel the Christmas Spirit All Year Long Become a Christain'

You know your neighborhood church is THE BEST neighborhood church when it spells Christian incorrectly.

Obviously, I am a full-tilt typo machine, so I understand it's an easy mistake to make, but it's been up for several days now. Apparently none of the Christains have noticed.

And, frankly, given the regular messaging about how my imperfect life is meaningless shit, I don't feel too bad about having a titter. I'm already going to hell, anyhow.

So I'm told.

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