So, the White House had a contest in which people could submit their work to be chosen for the cover of this year's White House holiday card. And the image that First Lady Michelle Obama picked as the winner is this lovely image of Bo, the Obamas' dog, standing in the snow on the White House lawn, done by Des Moines, Iowa, artist Larassa Kabel.
Such a great image. Such a great idea to invite people to submit their work. Such a great concept for the card—Bo in the snow. Who couldn't love that?
The inside of the card reportedly reads, "This season, may your home be filled with family, friends, and the joy of the holidays." The card is signed by the entire First Family — along with Bo's paw print.There are a lot of things I find amazing about this level of outage about what is essentially just a meager attempt at inclusion of non-Christians, but chief among them is how the rightwing spends 11 months out of the year bellowing about the values of our "Judeo-Christian" nation, and brags incessantly about their "Big Tent," but then throws a shit-fit about a "holiday card" that, despite its timing to coincide with Christmas sent out from a White House totally decorated for Christmas and occupied by a Christian family, makes an effort to acknowledge there are non-Christians in this country.
Vanity Fair deemed this year's Obama 'Holiday' card his best-ever in a posting titled, "Bo Obama: the True Meaning of Christmas."
The 2012 card made no mention of any specific holiday nor did it include a Bible verse noting the birth of Christ.
It's not that I'm amazed they engage in such breathtaking hypocrisy, because, hello, I've met the US rightwing—it's just that I'm continually amazed by how they engage in it without a trace of compunction or a shred of embarrassment at being associated with such colossal dipshittery.
The hat tip goes to Jesse Taylor:
In America, we worship GOD, not DOG.…
— Jesse Taylor (@jesseltaylor) December 10, 2012
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