Obama: Something something revenue.
Boehner: Phbbbbbbbbbbbt!
Obama: Something something deficit.
Boehner: Nyah nyah nyah nyah I can't hear you!
Obama: Responsible.
Boehner: Cooties!
Obama: Compromise.
Boehner: *makes fart sound with armpit*
Obama: Concessions.
Boehner: Ademocratsayswhat?
Obama: Are you kidding me? America, the Republicans are fools. I don't even know what else to tell you anymore. I'm dealing with a collection of crudsmudges who would introduce legislation that the sky is red if I said it is blue.
Boehner: *poops pants*
* * *
Paul Krugman: Playing Taxes Hold 'Em.
TPM: Republicans Crush Boehner's Plan B.
New York Times: Boehner Cancels Tax Vote in Face of GOP Revolt.
Washington Post: How Boehner's Plan B for the 'Fiscal Cliff' Began and Fell Apart.
Greg Sargent: AFL-CIO to White House: Time to Rescind Your Offer to Boehner.
Etc. Discuss.
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