Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts: Please raise your right hand and repeat after me: I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear...
President Barack Obama (as First Lady Michelle Obama and their daughters Malia and Sasha look on): I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear...
Roberts: ...that I will faithfully execute...
Obama: ...that I will faithfully execute...
Roberts: ...the office of the President of the United States...
Obama: ...the office of the President of the United States...
Roberts: ...and will, to the best of my ability...
Obama: ...and will, to the best of my ability...
Roberts: ...preserve, protect, and defend...
Obama: ...preserve, protect, and defend...
Roberts: ...the Constitution of the United States...
Obama: ...the Constitution of the United States...
Roberts: help you God?
Obama: So help me God.
Roberts: Congratulations, Mr. President.
[they shake hands and smile at each other]
Obama: Thank you, Mr. Chief Justice. Thank you so much. [applause; the President kisses the First Lady] Thank you, sweetie. [he turns to Malia] Hey!
Malia: Hey!
[they hug and exchange a few brief words; he turns to Sasha]
Obama: I did it.
Sasha: You didn't mess it up. [a reference to the President having to do repeat the oath in 2009, because he and Chief Justice Roberts talked over each other; the President laughs]
Obama: [turning to the small crowd and waving] All right. Thank you, everybody.
Happy Inauguration Day!
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