[SPOILER WARNING: There are all kinds of major spoilers from last night's episode of New Girl in this thread, so if you haven't seen it yet, you might want to skip it.]
Who wants to talk about last night's episode of New Girl with me? Because OMG NEW GIRRRRRLLLLL!!!!!! There were so many things I loved about this episode! Let us discuss ALL OF THE THINGS!
{ That is a bulletpoint of Nick's turtleface. I know it's really small, but I hope you will just enjoy that a Nick's turtleface bulletpoint exists in the world.
True American is the greatest game of all time, right? What are the rules? WHO KNOWS! There is definitely not a print-out of the rules, though, so don't even ask!
"Damn it! I've been trying to get something going with myself for a full hour. It's like a taffy pull on a hot summer's day!"
"Pipe talk's boring!"
"Holly, he's really happy! He's got a 401k and a six pack!"
I know I have said this before, but I love Jess' and Cece's friendship. I also love how even though they are the primary ladies on the show, all the other ladies are still treated as human beings, even the weird ones. I really liked Winston's date in last night's episode; I hope she sticks around.
Jess running around the apartment bored. THE ROBOT! Amazing.
Melon head Nick!
Love the way Sam reacted to Jess' and Nick's predicament when he arrived at the party. So not threatened. In a good way. But also kind of in a bad way? It felt like a perfect navigation of that space in which someone is so cool for deservedly trusting their partner, but is also just that little bit too detached to see some truth about their partner they should probably be able to see. Sam is doomed, but it's not because he's terrible, or because Jess is terrible; they're just not quite right.
[Seriously. I'm warning you about the spoilers! Last chance!]
Love the way the show has handled the relationship between Jess and Nick. It's been so thoughtful and so honest. The characters have been allowed to talk bluntly about their attraction to one another, and it's been this thing that is part of their friendship. It's so refreshing to see an arc like this one (and who knows where it's going; WHERE IS IT GOING?!) that avoids the typical stupid conceit that one person is COMPLETELY UNAWARE that the other is mooning desperately over them, and then there are all these absurdly implausible circumstances that keep them apart interminably. The narrative of their relationship has been natural, and, crucially, both of them are equally invested in it.
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