Number of the Day

171%: How much corporate profits have increased under the "anti-business" administration of President Barack Obama.
Business executives like to portray the Obama administration as the "most anti-business" in history, creating an "increasingly hostile environment for investment and job creation." However, the data tells a far different story. According to a Bloomberg News analysis, corporate profits have grown by 171 percent under Obama, the most in the post-war era.

...Unfortunately, this profit deluge has not been shared by workers, whose wages as a percentage of the economy have fallen to all-time lows. Workers also got dinged by the recent increase in the payroll tax, which was large enough to wipe out a minimum wage increase in some states.
One of the most effective ways Republicans serve their corporate lords is by constantly ensuring the conversation we're having isn't even about true things. They obstruct, and they distract. And they tell fairy stories about how terrible Democrats are to and for business, while workers toil away under the mounting strain of neglect.

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