Photos of the Day

Below, some of my favorite photos from the Benghazi hearing today, during which Secretary of State was ON FIRE. (If you haven't already seen it, here is the video, with partial transcript, of Clinton tearing that nightmare Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) a new sense of decency.) Zerlina Maxwell and Captain Awkward pretty much summed up the awesomeness in this Twitter exchange:

To the pictures!

She's not offended; she's contemptuous:

image of Clinton looking contemptuous at the hearing
[Linda Davidson/The Washington Post]

image of Clinton looking pissy and adjusting her glasses
[Alex Wong/Getty Images]

image of Clinton angrily pounding her fist on the table while speaking
[Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP]

image of Clinton with her chin resting in her hand, looking bored
[AP via jbendery; H/T to Shaker Thunderbird for this one]

Those are just my faves. Here are a few more great ones for your enjoyment: One, two, three, four.

[Photos via The Washington Post, Bloomberg, The Daily News, and SFGate.]

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