[Image description: A collection of characters from late 80's comic strips--Luann, Funky Winkerbean, Dennis the Menace, Hagar the Horrible, Beetle Bailey, Family Circus characters, and an annoying baby character whose name I can't be arsed to research,are all excitedly eating cereal. Over their heads a caption reads..."WHEN YOU ASK FOR MORNING FUNNIES...YOU'RE ASKING FOR SOME FUN!" Hagar the Horrible is sitting directly behind a box of cereal labeled MORNING FUNNIES (from Ralston!) whose back opens up to look like a comic. He is reading it (Hagar can read? HAGAR CAN READ.) Funky: "Wild fruit taste!" Luann: "It's New!" Beetle Bailey: "Yummy!" Hagar: "The back opens for more comics!" Dennis: "Check 'em all out!"]
Scanned from Wonder Woman Volume 2 # 19, April 1989.
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