
screencap of an exchange I had with a dude on Twitter: Me: It's amazing how much hostility has been generated by the simple suggestion to show gratitude to feminists/womanists. #tellafeministthankyou Cody William: shutup fat bitch Me: No. CW: uglie Me: For future reference, it's spelled 'ugly.' Happy to help! CW: But seriously, explain to me how women are oppressed today, explain to me why Feminism is *needed* Me: LOL. Just to be clear, you told me to shut up, called me a fat bitch, & now want me to educate you on why feminism is needed?

In all seriousness, the #tellafeministthankyou hashtag has brought out a lot of dingalings, but it also been absolutely inspiring and uplifting to see all the feminist/womanist women and men expressing appreciation for one another. Last night, it was trending topic worldwide on Twitter.

screenshot from a site tracking worldwide trending Twitter topics showing the tellafeministthankyou hashtag


The world can be an ungracious and cruelly judgmental place in many ways, but remember this moment in which a simple idea to show each other kindness and say thank you turned into a global event. Not only can we expect more; we can achieve it.

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