Bloomberg: Obama Rated at 3-Year High in Poll, Republicans at Bottom.
USA Today: On Issues, Public Is More Aligned with Obama Than GOP.
There are so many issues feeding into this dysfunctional dynamic: Gerrymandering, campaign financing, media deregulation and consolidation, voter suppression, wedge issue politicking, systemic oppressions, Christian Supremacy and conservative Christians' reflexive extension of support to "Moral Values" candidates, etc. That is hardly a comprehensive list. The US' representative democracy is very broken.
But even within that broken system, nothing but avarice and malice is stopping the Republican Party from behaving as obstructionists to an agenda the duly-elected President is proposing and the majority of the public wants to see happen. It certainly isn't principle: Republican ideas on everything—taxation, education, privatization, deregulation, you name it—have been comprehensively discredited. Their policies don't work for 99% of the country.
And they would only work a very short time for the other 1%, because all the money in the world can't protect you if you're driving over a garbage bridge that collapses because we haven't invested in infrastructure. For example.
I get it. The Republicans and their conservative base don't like neoliberal policies. Fine. But when you've got nothing to offer instead but the same old ideas that don't fucking work, it's time to get out of the way. Come back to the table when you've got a proposal, or anything really, other than NO.
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