[Content note: Homophobia]
Let the wild rumpus start!:
The champion of small government, Ron Paul, asks the U.N. to strip RonPaul.com's ownership away from his supporters. Liberty!
New York plans to name a school in honor of Maurice Sendak.
A bunch of bigoted douchebags want to hold a straights-only prom.
Lucan the Wolfboy inherits a million bucks from a complete stranger.
The Colorado State Senate gave formal passage to a civil unions bill that now moves on to the House for consideration.
The LAPD is not using drones to hunt Christopher Dorner. Just FYI.
The reason why Truman Capote feared his hometown's biggest party.
A Montana television station's regular programming was interrupted by news of a zombie apocalypse.
North Korea conducted a third nuclear test. Swell.
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