[Content Note: Sexual violence; rape culture; Christian Supremacy.]
A California man charged with two counts of rape met his accuser on a singles website. He is also suspected of raping other women he met through the site.
That a rapist would meet and solicit and groom potential victims on a dating site is not unusual. But this story seems to be particularly newsworthy because the site is the aggressively marketed Christian dating site, ChristianMingle.com
There's an embedded element of surprise, or outrage, that even on a Christian dating site OF ALL PLACES! could something like this happen.
I've written before, at length, about the foolishness of axiomatically equating Christian belief with ethical decency and about how that reflexive presumption is exploited by predators, so I won't go into it all again. I will just note, with regret, that the reporting on this case underlines how unexamined Christian privilege does not inoculate its vulnerable members from sexual predation, but in fact abets it.
My profound sympathies to this asshole's victims.
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