Proving the Point, As Usual

[Content Note: Harassment; misogyny.]

Yesterday, after several more totally routine examples of feminist women getting harassed on Twitter for speaking up against violence and rape, I started the hashtag #tellafeministthankyou. It became a trending topic, and there have been so many amazing tweets showing appreciation for feminists and womanists who are publicly doing work that often requires navigating ten metric fucktons of hostile garbage every day of our lives.

Naturally, the hashtag has also been co-opted by misogynist assholes who are using the tag to harass feminists, totally underscoring why feminism is still necessary and proving the fuck out of my point.

Someone tweeted at me that zie "cringed when I saw this trending because of how people could make it negative," to which I replied: "Like I said, they're just proving the point. I won't shy away from publicly celebrating feminists/womanists because of haters."

Someone else said the co-option for harassment has made the hashtag "almost counterproductive in a way," to which I replied: "If I didn't engage in a feminist act because it might result in my being harassed, I'd never engage in feminist acts. Misogynists don't get to define the outlines of my activism."

If you're on Twitter, tell a feminist thank you today. We need them.

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