"The alleged murder is disputed in the strongest terms."—A statement issued by Oscar Pistorius' family and his London management company, after Pistorius was charged with murdering Reeva Steenkamp, who was dating Pistorius.
The statement also said Pistorius "send[s] his deepest sympathies to the family of Reeva."
I'm sure that makes them feel loads better.
Meanwhile, Sports Illustrated has an interview with David Epstein, a senior writer at the magazine who has covered Pistorius for years, which is being run under the incredible headline: "Pistorius' once-heartening tale now interlaced with murder, violence." It is accompanied by an image of Pistorius on the track, with his hands in a prayer position, and the image is labeled: "Oscar Pistorius has mentioned how sometimes he feels at risk in South Africa, and it's not uncommon for individuals to own firearms."
I don't even have the words to effectively convey the profundity of my contempt for the focus on how "at risk" Pistorius felt given the incontrovertible evidence that he posed an actual risk to Reeva Steenkamp, which is true irrespective of whether it was an accident or a premeditated murder.
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