The Parks and Rec Open Thread

image of Tom Haverford (Aziz Ansari) lying in a heavily pillowed bed with only his wee head sticking out
"Stuff lasts forever!"

(Spoilers are searching for chairs herein. Content Note: Fat bias.)

All right, let's just get right to the sad part: Once again, this episode was peppered with fat hatred. There was the return of Paunch Burger, of course, and there was a terrible moment in which Leslie told Tom she was happy he'd thought to ask Paunch Burger's competitors to cater the fundraising gala because "all of our more ample citizens" love fast food. Again, I would like to note that it's especially rich to have a character who eats waffles like they're going out of style make comments about how only fat people like fast food. And then there was the fat French chef, because of course all chefs are fat, and Jerry not even being able to run without falling, because of course all fat people are uncoordinated. COME ON, PARKS AND RECREATION, YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS.

It's particularly disappointing that a show with two major supporting characters who are fat—and not "Hollywood fat," but actually fat—insists on making jokes at fat people's expense.

Let us hope now that the Paunch Burger vs. Park battle has been won, the writers will move the fuck on from this shit. Because it soured what was otherwise a very fun episode that ended with a great cliffhanger.

The good stuff:

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "Let the record show there was a standing ovation." "No, there wasn't." "History will decide."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "I don’t have time for food puns right now."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "First we do the written exam, and then we do the personality evaluation. Which I feel like I'm gonna nail, 'cuz people always say, 'Buuut, he's got a great personality.'"

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "Wait, maybe this is a nightmare! …Nope, can't fly away. This is real life."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "Get some chairs from somewhere." "Great leadership. Inspiring."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "I can speak in full sentences and I won't cry."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "A few months ago, the thought of an infectious disease, even hypothetical, would have sent me careening towards bummerville. But now, I am infected will a killer virus—and I feel fine. [thumbs up] Therapy!"

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "What's wrong with Joan?" "She has a bad hangover, which she is pretending is allergies."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "It is with a heavy heart that I say: We have been Jammed."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "Oh no! Pawnee has been hit with…a TORNADOQUAKE!"

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "Oh, well, jokes on you—I don't have anyone I care about!"

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "This was bad. Fort Wayne bad."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "Ghost-Jammed!"

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "He's certainly something of a genius. We could use his brains on the force."

Ron Swanson head bullet-point "I'd like to thank my community, my friends. It's a lesson that I have learned over and over again, but it bears repeating: No one achieves anything alone."


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