Well, Disqus no longer supports the old, customized version of commenting we knew and loved, so we've been automatically upgraded into their new system.
We're trying to figure out: 1. If it's possible to get back to flat comments, because nested comments are difficult to navigate for lots of people with visual processing disorders (like me), and: 2. If there's a way to turn off avatars, like we used to be able to do.
At the moment, it looks like we're not able to make these customizations anymore. I've tweeted my concerns at Disqus, and I'll keep you updated.
In the meantime, to may need to reset your preference (oldest comments first, newest comments first, etc.), which you can do by clicking "Discussion" at the top left of any comment thread.
In good news, there are some nifty new sharing options, both at the top of each thread and at the bottom of individual comments, that weren't available before.
UPDATE: Disqus has restored us temporarily to the old version. I'm in communication with them about resolving some of the issues, although it doesn't appear at this point like we're going to be able to keep flat threading, as soon as our time with this version is up.
I'll keep you posted.
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