Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss is soon to retire from the US Senate, to Eastsidekate's and my eternal disappointment, because he has been our Generic Republican Dipshit in SO MANY TEXTS AND EMAILS for years. We are still on the hunt for a sufficient replacement, but Saxby's leaving a real hole in our hearts.
Anyway. Before he goes, he's still being SO GREAT by giving us a terrific example of how the Republican Party establishes its policy platform:
With mounting evidence that support for same-sex marriage continues to grow throughout the country, Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) offered a simple take on why he's not budging in his opposition.HA HA PERFECT. See also: "I already HAVE government-sponsored healthcare, so why do I need to make it available to other people?" and "Well, I could always use more money, so I support more money for people who look like me and share my tax bracket!"
"I'm not gay. So I'm not going to marry one," Chambliss, who willl retire at the end of 2014, told Politico in a piece published Thursday.
Good grief.
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