In The News

[Content note: terrorism, homophobia]

Thursday Balloons:

The Pet Shop Boys announced their 12th studio album. It will be produced by Stuart Price. Yes!

Did anyone watch For The Record last night? Me either!

President Obama is seeking to push Republicans to work with him on a grand deficit bargain by first assuring them he's willing to cut entitlements. Great!

The President also says he's not as bad as Dick Cheney! Great!

New polling has shown that 64 percent of Americans now believe marriage equality is inevitable. 58 percent now agree that the issue is a civil rights issue.

One of the nation's leading gay cure groups has lost its tax-exempt status due. Thank goodness.

Physicists say they have found a Higgs boson. That's pretty neat. I think.

Another day, another poop cruise.

The remains of a medieval knight have been discovered underneath a car park in Edinburgh. Whut.

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