If I'm in the living room when Iain pulls into the driveway in the evening, I whisper in the quietest voice possible, "Daddy's home," and, no matter where they are in the house, the dogs come RACING! into the room, LEAP! up on the loveseat, and stare desperately out the front window, quivering with excitement as he walks up the path to the front door.
The only reason Zelly isn't in this picture is because, once he gets out of the car, she RACES! into the office to grab one of her plushy toys to toss gleefully into the air when he comes through the door. "YAY! IT'S A DAY! AND THE DADSY IS HOME!"
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As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.
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