Daily Dose of Cute

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt lying on her belly on the floor with her back legs stretched out behind her and her front legs stretched out in front of her and her nose tucked down between her front legs

It's a bird... it's a plane... it's SUPERZELLY!

Y'all, this dog is so fucking cute 24 hours a day, I don't even know what to do. [Full Disclosure: I do actually know what to do. Give her ALL THE SNUGGLES FOREVER!]

I read a criticism of Shakesville a long time ago, which centered eyerolling about how I constantly post pictures of "that ugly dog." It has hung with me, not because I care if someone doesn't think Zelda is cute, but because the othering of Big Black Dogs is a Thing in the World, which devalues their lives. It's part of the reason that Zelly was on death row when we met her.

I do talk about how cute Zelly is because I love her, but also because I value her. (And because I valued the three all-black cats who have lived their lives with me, and all-black cats are judged by a similar prejudice.) I have seen this ugly dog settle into her new life in a way that makes our lives better; I have seen her manage her fear of other dogs to welcome visiting dogs into her home; I have seen her be gentle with children barely taller than she is and with adults who were fearful of big and/or black dogs. She is brave and indomitable, and she reminds me to be happy every day because IT'S A DAY!

She is a super dog, and a superdog, and I am the conveyer of her teaspoon.

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As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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