One of my favorite pictures of Dudley, taken last fall.
Today is the three-year anniversary of our adopting Dudley. He is totally the fucking best. There are precious few things I love in the world as much I as love his goofy face.
I remember the day that he came to live with us, his foster dad (who's also the president of the organization from which we adopted him) was supposed to bring him by in the evening. He called in the afternoon and asked if he could drop him an hour earlier than we'd originally said, because he had another interested adopter who wanted to meet that night. Naturally, I said that was fine.
But I was petrified. Dudley was now going to arrive a half hour before Iain got home from work, instead of a half hour after, and, until I realized I'd be on my own, I hadn't realized how much I was counting on having someone else there with me who didn't know what the fuck they were doing either, to receive my looks of overwhelmed panic.
Dudley was handed off to me by his wonderful foster dad at about a quarter to six. He looked up at me with fearful eyes, and I probably looked back with approximately the same expression. "Welcome home," I told him. We walked into the house and I showed him around. "This is your bed. Here's your food and water. Are you thirsty?"
After the tour, we went out on the front porch and waited for Iain to get home. He pulled into the driveway and got out of the car with a big grin on his face. "We have a dog!" he exclaimed.
We have such a dog.
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