Discussion Thread: Sit or Stand?

[Content Note: Scatological humor.]

So, last night, Iain and Kenny Blogginz and I were hanging out, and we got into the Great Sitters vs. Standers debate. Don't know what the Great Sitters vs. Standers debate is? Well, let me put it bluntly: It's a debate about sitting or standing to wipe your butt after pooping.

I am a sitter. Iain is a stander. And we (affectionately!) mock each other about our respective choices all the time.

It was my impression that standing is rare. Iain contended that standing was more popular than I believed. So, of course I had to research it (seriously, so much uproarious laughter during this entire thing), and I discovered that Iain was right! This (amazing, hilarious) Metafilter thread reports:
In April of 2007, College Humor conducted an informal poll of their readership's (ahem) wiping habits. This month [Dec. 2009], Drew Magary re-examines the results of that "study" for Deadspin, and comes to the same shocking conclusions. (Note: These links contain bathroom-related discussions that those with more delicate sensibilities probably won't enjoy.)

When finished with their business the restroom, about 50% of the people you know wipe their heinies standing up, and about 50% of the people you know do it sitting down. Furthermore, many report being completely unaware that the other option exists. And so the debate continues.

I did note, however, that College Humor and Deadspin have disproportionately male audiences, so I wondered if that skewed the (informal) results. "I am going to have a discussion thread about this on Shakesville, so more women can weigh in!" I declared.

So here we are.

Are you a sitter or a stander?

[As always, no judgment of other people's choices, please!]

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