Elsewhere on the Internetz...

This dipshit mixes up Melissa McEwen—who is: 1. Not me; 2. The author of the Hunt Gather Love and Paleo Drama—and me, then tries to retrofit a post in which he originally attributed one of McEwen's posts to me, creating this fucking mess of nonsensical gibberish which includes a picture of me stolen from someone else's Facebook account.

Reading is fundamental!

So I tweeted at Richard Nikoley, the author of this amazing post, in order to let him know he has clownhair for brainz and also to let him know he does not have my permission to use that image.

[The image is of me flipping off the camera.]

Mr. Nikoley responded by telling me that I lack reading comprehension, and that if I had a problem with his posting the picture, I should take it up with Google, with a link to an image search for my name.

That's when he blocked me, lol.

So, basically, this fucking dingaling can't tell the difference between two women with a similar name (hey, we're all a monolith anyway, right?), tries—badly—to cover his tracks, and leaves up the picture of me he does not have my consent to use, even though I literally have nothing to do with the blog post with which he's taking issue.


One of the things I love about people reposting this photo of me is that it's always accompanied by commentary on how I'm fat and there's a lot of embedded/implied shit about how I should be super embarrassed by this photo because I'm visibly fat and making a funny face mid-storytelling. Uh, nope. I'm in my favie Atari shirt having fun at Deeks' house. I pretty much love it.

I look at that picture and remember a great day that ended with Deeky and me staying up almost all night having a tumbling conversation about meaningful things. Deeky and I were already friends, but that was one of those days which changes the shape of a friendship into something more and better and grander than it was the day before.

That was a day, a day spent with Deeky and Spudsy, two of my favorite people on the planet, in which I was full of love for them and felt loved right back.

No amount of using that picture to try to shame or hate me will ever change that.

It's mine. No matter who steals it.

[Related Reading: Adventures in Blogging, Part Wev.]

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