Garbage Treasures: Now With More Ed Hardy!

As you may recall, Deeky collects and saves useless garbage like we're beyond Thunderdome and useless garbage is now a form of currency and he's a garbageaire. Then, instead of throwing it away, he throws pieces of his fancy detritus collection into an envelope and pays money to ship it to me, at which point I put them in plastic treasure chests and put them out by the curb every week to be collected by the "treasure man," who buries them at the "treasure dump" for me for safe keeping.

But not before taking a picture of the bounty so that I can post it, natch.

image of the collection of garbage treasures described below
[Click to embiggen.]

Counter-clockwise from top left: The packaging itself, a shiny bright red envelope featuring a sparkly sticker of a tween boy who I can only assume is a member of One Direction; some helpful educational materials authored by John Stossel; a pamphlet on "How to Pray the Rosary," which will obviously come in very useful; a "Growing Pains" trading card featuring "Jeremy Miller as Ben Seaver"; a burned copy of the conservative film Last Ounce of Courage on which Deeks has handwritten OBVIOUSLY; a burned copy of the Sean Penn film This Must Be the Place (which I CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH) on which Deeks has handwritten OF COURSE; a burned copy of (what I am guessing is the remake of) Red Dawn (which I can't wait to NOT WATCH) on which Deeks has handwritten NO DOY; and a packet of orange-flavored Ed Hardy Energy Sticks: "All Day Energy 3-Pack. Pour on tongue."


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