More News from the Conservative Legislation Lab

The Indiana House is the latest state government to pass a bill requiring abortion clinics to have access to full surgical facilities—and, like the latest legislation in Texas, this legislation requires even clinics dispensing mifepristone, also known as RU-486 or "the abortion pill," to have access to surgical facilities, which many clinics cannot actually obtain.
The Indiana House approved a bill yesterday that requires clinics that administer the so-called abortion pill to also have full surgical facilities, a move that would force Planned Parenthood to halt all abortion services at a central Indiana clinic.

Supporters say the bill protects women's health, but the president of Planned Parenthood of Indiana called the facility mandates for early-term abortions "regulation without reason."

The Senate has adopted a similar measure and would need to agree to some changes in wording before the bill is sent to Republican Gov. Mike Pence for his signature.

Planned Parenthood of Indiana runs four of the 10 clinics in Indiana that offer abortion services, President Betty Cockrum said.
This legislation, if made law, would be devastating for abortion-seeking people in Indiana.

Republican state Representative Sharon Negele, sponsor of the garbage bill, explained her assault on legal healthcare thus: "This is a very emotionally charged issue and I want you to understand that from the beginning my intent was to seek out a remedy to safeguard our young women who have chosen this path."

You want to safeguard young women? Then give them access to a full spectrum of healthcare, including abortion.

[H/T to Jordan.]

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