
Obama to unveil $3.77 trillion spending plan: "President Obama plans Wednesday to unveil a $3.77 trillion spending plan that proposes modest new investments in infrastructure and education, major new taxes for the wealthy and significant reforms aimed at reducing the cost of Social Security and Medicare."

A senior administration official, who naturally spoke only on condition on anonymity, because that's how everything works now, said: "We don't view this budget as a starting point in the negotiations. This is an offer where the president came more than halfway toward the Republicans."

That is not why we elect Democrats.

I don't even know what else to say at this point, because I have already spilled an enormous amount of digital ink on the bullshit of 12-dimensional chess and the President's inexplicable need to continually try to win over the Republicans by conceding their policies as an opening salvo and the gross mismanagement of the nation's needs via cuts to the social safety net.

This is not why we elect Democrats. Or, at least, it shouldn't be.

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