Question of the Day

What was a memorable experience you had of seeing some animal in person for the first time?

Because today is Dudley's adoption anniversary, I am recalling the first time I saw greyhounds in person. One night, I was totally pissed off with Iain about something that I'm sure was super important (lol), and I went out for a drive to cool off. I ended up at PetSmart (or PetCo, or whatever) to buy some treats and toys for the cats, which I knew would get me back in a good and loving headspace.

While I was there, a local greyhound rescue was having an in-store meet-and-greet with a bunch of the dogs awaiting adoption. Greyhounds are such iconic dogs, but I had never seen one in person before, and I found myself returning to that part of the store over and over, just to look at them. It was like seeing a unicorn.

They were beautiful—so much taller than I thought they were, so sleek. I finally stopped to pet one, and her fur was so soft. She did that loooooooong greyhound stretch, and then leaned hard against me. Swoon.

I also remember the first time I saw a giraffe in person. Actually, it maybe wasn't strictly the first time, because I'd probably seen them at zoos, but this one was at the county fair, and it had been raised on a farm. It stretched its impossibly long neck over the steel bars of its large pen, so visitors could pet it and offer it treats. It was so powerful and so gentle. What an experience.

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