In addition to out LGBT Sens. David Parks and Pat Spearman, Sen. Kelvin Atkinson declared on the floor during the debate, "I am a black, gay male." Because he was speaking about his sexual orientation publicly for the first time Monday night, he said he had heard negative comments about the marriage amendment repeal from others prior to the vote. But, he said, "People should mind their business and allow people to do what they want to do."This is the beginning of a very long road with an uncertain end, but irrespective of its eventual outcome, what Senator Atkinson did yesterday was important and brave. He will change minds, which is a crucial step in changing the law.
...The bill will now go to the state Assembly. If it passes there, it will have to be passed by the next legislature, which meets in 2015, and then by the people the following year.
Especially as long as we continue to allow majority votes on minority rights.
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