For a moment, Tom Hardy and the puppy were all, "Oh shit—polar bears!" But then the polar bears were all, "Welcome to our home. We love you. Please tell the world to save us." And Tom Hardy and the puppy were all, "OMG, you guys. We totally will! We love you, too!" And then they all feasted on blubber. It was the best day ever.
Tom Hardy and a Puppy Visit the North Pole
For a moment, Tom Hardy and the puppy were all, "Oh shit—polar bears!" But then the polar bears were all, "Welcome to our home. We love you. Please tell the world to save us." And Tom Hardy and the puppy were all, "OMG, you guys. We totally will! We love you, too!" And then they all feasted on blubber. It was the best day ever.
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