This is not merely the Tweet of the Day: It is the greatest tweet in the history of Twitter. SHUT TWITTER DOWN! WE'RE DONE HERE!
Just so we're clear on what is happening here: @kristinaoakes tweeted at Donald Trump, billionaire fuckbrain, that he's overrated. And he responded with: "By who, a moron [like] you!"
I won't pick on his typo, since I am Queen Typo of Typovia, but I will offer Trump the unsolicited advice that if you're in the process of impugning someone's intelligence, make sure to proofread!
The thing that's really spectacular about this tweet is how Trump either agrees (?) or doesn't agree (?) that he is overrated, but he's definitely sure that it's morons who overrate him (?).
"Smart people think I'm the worst!"—Donald Trump.
Well. It's not even noon, and I've already found myself in agreement with Barbara Bush and Donald Trump! What a day!
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