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Recommended Reading:
More entries in the amazing Naming Series being hosted by Grace and Jess: Andrea, Flavia, Kristin, and William.
Brandale: Poor Women: Rape Culture's Path of Least Resistance [Content Note: Rape culture; classism.]
Rinku: Why the AP's Choice to Drop the I-Word Is a Crucial Victory
Trudy: I Don't Have To Like What White Women Like—Pop Culture and Feminism [Content Note: White Supremacy.]
Cat: On Charging Fat Passengers More to Fly [Content Note: Fat bias.]
Fannie: Benevolent Sexism, Again [Content Note: Misogyny.]
Travis: Brittney Griner Deserves a Real NBA Tryout, Not a Publicity Stunt
Veronica: Review: Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines
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