Daily Dose of Cute

Yesterday, Dudley had to go the vet for some dental work. Greyhounds have notoriously terrible teeth, so he needed to get a deep cleaning and have any rotten teeth removed. They have to be put under anesthetic for this procedure, so I was a nervous wreck all day yesterday, waiting for the call that he was okay. He came through fine—and only had to lose two little teeth in front, which is pretty great for a greyhound about to turn 5. Yay!

When I brought him home late yesterday afternoon, he was soooooooooo stoned, lol.

image of Dudley the Greyhound looking stoned with his tongue hanging out
"What planet am I on?"

Zelda, for all her gentle empathy when I am sick or hurting, greeted Dudley like a bulldozer at the front door upon his arrival. She figure-eighted underneath his belly around his wobbly legs, practically knocking him down, and rammed his sore jaw with her grinning head. As I tried to help an indecisive Dudley make his way to a comfy spot on the couch, Zelly ran and jumped into every space I cleared for him, spinning in circles. She could not contain herself.

Eventually, she calmed down and took position on the floor beside where Dudz finally laid down on the couch, keeping watch over her groggy brother.

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt grinning while laying beside the ottoman with a bunch of plushy toys

These dogs. ♥

Dudley, of course, is already back to his usual self. By which I mean: Eating everything in sight between naps.

* * *

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