Shakers, this dog is so cute I feel like my eyeballs might explode from joy when I look at her!
Behind her backside, you may notice, is a piece of folded mail. Generally, Iain and I don't keep our mail scattered on the couch. (Shocking, I know.) But one of Matilda's favorite things is grabbing a random piece of mail (always mail—never, say, a piece of scrap paper on which I've jotted notes and left on my desk) and walking around the house with it hanging out of her mouth. And as she drags it around, she makes this plaintive, whining mew that she never does any other time, like she's totally lost. "Mewwww?!" Over and over while she traipses about with the mail. And then eventually she'll get bored, or accomplish whatever her inscrutable mission was, and drop the mail wherever. LOL.
I've tried to record this on several occasions, but anytime she sees me watching her do it, she immediately drops the mail and hurtles herself toward me to head-butt me for attention. Call it the Tils Duality Theory.
So you just get a pic of the evidence, left behind Zelda's roundy bum.
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As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.
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