Daily Dose of Cute

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt sitting in the garden, looking watchful

Dorito Ears at attention.

I have almost certainly mentioned before that when Zelda wants to be pet, she curls up beside me and nudges my arm with her nose. Pet me, Two-Legs! Because I usually sit on the couch in a place where she snuggles up to my left, and because her bed is to the left of my desk, it's usually my left arm that gets the nudge.

For a few days, my left arm has been really sore, after being tattooed. I have no earthly idea how Zelda knew this—neither of the dogs seemed the slightest bit interested in it after briefly sniffing at the ink upon my return. But she did know, and took to gently licking my arm when she wants pet, instead of giving me a nudge.

This morning, my arm was starting to feel better. Zelda knew that, too. The nudging has returned.

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