Discussion Thread: Pro-Consent Films

[Content Note: Discussion of consent.]

Last night, I was flipping channels when I saw that sex, lies & videotape was airing, which is one of my "must stop and watch" films. I caught it right at the beginning, so what I'm saying is I stayed up way too late last night.


Watching it for the one billionth time, I was thinking (again) how many interesting things the film has to say about consent, agency, and boundaries. And I was trying to think of some other films that have interesting things to say on those subjects, and wowee wow the list was pretty short!

So, here's a thread for sharing films (and/or TV shows) that have smart commentary around consent, agency, and boundaries. Not limited just to sexual interactions, as Elementary is a show, for example, which has many good insights around consent and boundaries totally outside of sexual interactions.

Whaddaya got?

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