Moms Working at Walmart Earn Less Than They Need to Feed Their Kids. That full-time employees of Walmart earn so little that they need to rely on government assistance programs is not news, nor is it news that Walmart
discriminates against its female employees, making them more likely to require government assistance like food stamps and the Women, Infants, and Children program. But I am glad to see that it's
in the news again. It should be in the news every goddamned day until Walmart is shamed into explaining how it can justify
six members of the Walton family
holding as much wealth as
the entire bottom thirty percent of the US population, while it pays its employees so little that they can't support their families on their paychecks alone.
Conservatives whinge endlessly about the Welfare Queens who accept government assistance, while diligently ignoring that working people denied livable wages with healthcare benefits are not the problem: The problem is megacorps like Walmart who want taxpayers—
including their own exploited employees—to subsidize their outsized profits by providing the care for their employees they are unwilling, and not required, to provide themselves.
While they lobby against universal healthcare and a livable wage.
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