In The News

[Content note: Racism, sexual abuse, war, violence, misogyny]

Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling:

A prominent barrister in the UK specialising in reproductive rights has called for the age of consent to be lowered to 13. To protect old men.

Another day, another right-wing pundit's racist ties revealed.

Just like Jesus would do: Fans of a Christian singer arrested in a murder-for-hire plot are sure his victim probably deserved it.

A woman has been pulled alive from the ruins of an eight-storey building that collapsed in Bangladesh 17 days ago.

Former Florida governor Charlie Crist has announced his support of whatever will get him elected.

This guy.

This simple innovation transformed the reading habits of an entire nation.

For her birthday, I will serenade MMMbop to Liss over the phone.

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