"In the last two-and-a-half years, we have seen remarkable and hopeful development in world history. Just think about it: More than 50 million men, women and children have been liberated from two of the most brutal tyrannies on earth—50 million people are free. All these people are now learning the blessings of freedom."—Then-President George Bush, at a White House Celebration of International Women's Day, March 12, 2004, referring to the "success" of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"Women's lives worse than ever."—The actual headline of a February 2008 article in The Independent about the state of women's (and girls') lives in Afghanistan, six years after our war to "liberate" them.
FMF News, today: Afghan Women Arrested for 'Moral Crimes' Increases 50%.
A new report by the Human Rights Watch shows that in the past 18 months the number of women in Afghanistan incarcerated for 'moral crimes' has increased from 400 to 600, a 50% growth."The rights of women and all human beings can be assured only within the framework of freedom and democracy. If people aren't free, it is likely that women will be suppressed. Human rights are defined by a constitution; they're defended by an impartial rule of law; they're secured in a pluralistic society. The advance of women's rights and the advance of liberty are ultimately inseparable."—Then-President George Bush, from the same 2004 International Women's Day speech.
Many of the women imprisoned for moral crimes were arrested running away from forced or abusive marriages and families, even though there is no law against leaving. Others are imprisoned for rape, as it is considered "forced adultery." Many of the women imprisoned were also forced to have "virginity tests," an invasive and medically inaccurate exam. Of the female prison population in Afghanistan, 95% of girls and 50% of women are in jail for moral crimes.
Let us never, ever, forget that George W. Bush sold his bullshit wars partly on the premise that he was going to be making women's lives better. He used the women of Afghanistan and Iraq as political props to justify war, and then abandoned them after destroying their countries. Their lives are not better.
One of many lies he told, one of many false promises that too many USians believed.
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