Nerd in #nerdland

Yesterday, Melissa Harris-Perry did a great two-part segment about Angelina Jolie's decision to have a preventative double mastectomy, including a typically excellent discussion about race, healthcare access, and women's bodies.

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[The full transcript will be here, when available.]

During the second half, Irin Carmon, who does terrific work at Salon, mentioned my piece: "Melissa McEwan over at Shakesville had this great post about how Angelina Jolie's body is seen as sort of collective property, as you mentioned. She's this international sex symbol, she has a body that is lionized—the ideal of our society. So for her to say both 'I'm making my body very public, and I'm putting all of my choices up for the scrutiny of other people' and 'I'm still saying this belongs to me; here's how I chose to make these decisions.'"

Very exciting to be mentioned one on of my favorite shows, no less as part of such a crucial conversation about women's healthcare in the US.

My thanks to Irin Carmon, and my gratitude, as always, to Melissa Harris-Perry for hosting conversations like this one. Her show continues to be a bright spot in an increasingly grim media landscape.

UPDATE: Irin pointed out to me on Twitter that there were two additional segments, "FYI, I think it was a four-part discussion! Amazing luxury for TV." So true! The subsequent two segments can be viewed here and here.

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