[Content Note: Homophobia; Christian Supremacy.]
"I hear the president reducing or lowering American values by his comments that take place in the public and in the press. Think about the things he's chosen to take sides on. ...[W]e've got Tim Tebow who will kneel and pray to God on the football field. Meanwhile we have a professional athlete that decides he's going to announce his sexuality and he gets a personal call from the United States to highlight the sexuality of a professional ballplayer. These are ways that the culture gets undermined, where it gets divided. The people over on this side take their followership from that kind of leadership. One notch at a time, American civilization, American culture, western civilization, western Judeo-Christiandom are eroded."—Representative Steve King (R-Eprehensible), on how President Barack Obama should be setting a better example by calling Tim Tebow to congratulate him on publicly praying instead of calling Jason Collins to commend him for publicly talking about being gay.
There are a lot of things I hate about this quote, but perhaps most of all is how King couldn't even be bothered to mention Jason Collins by name.
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