"Tom," said the puppy, licking Tom's chin, "sometimes I feel jealous of other puppies, because they do more tricks than I do, or do the same tricks that I do but better. And then I feel bad." And Tom asked, "Why does it make you feel bad, puppy?" And the puppy said, "Because I feel sad that I can't just be happy for the other puppies, and because it makes me feel like I'm not good enough." And Tom said, "We live in a terrible culture of judgment, puppy, and it encourages jealousy—but envy is a very destructive instinct. You are good enough, just as you are." And the puppy said, "In my doggy brain, I guess I already know that." And Tom said, "Think of it this way, puppy: You are only capable of what you are capable. Sure, there might be puppies who do more tricks, or do the same tricks better, but you have your own unique talents that they don't have. We can only do what we can do. We can't do what someone else can do. And we have a choice about how to respond to that: We can be jealous and wish we were someone we aren't, or we can celebrate the accomplishments of other puppies and people, and recognize our own talents, investing our energies making sure we do best what we can do best." And the puppy said, "You're right, Tom. Admiration and achievement feels way better than jealousy and self-criticism." And Tom said, "There's enough room on this big planet for everyone to be special, and for everyone to be loved for their special qualities." And the puppy said, "Love really does always win, inside us and out." And Tom gave the puppy THE BEST TREAT.
Tom Hardy and a Puppy Visit the Jolly Greet Giant in Blue Earth, Minnesota
"Tom," said the puppy, licking Tom's chin, "sometimes I feel jealous of other puppies, because they do more tricks than I do, or do the same tricks that I do but better. And then I feel bad." And Tom asked, "Why does it make you feel bad, puppy?" And the puppy said, "Because I feel sad that I can't just be happy for the other puppies, and because it makes me feel like I'm not good enough." And Tom said, "We live in a terrible culture of judgment, puppy, and it encourages jealousy—but envy is a very destructive instinct. You are good enough, just as you are." And the puppy said, "In my doggy brain, I guess I already know that." And Tom said, "Think of it this way, puppy: You are only capable of what you are capable. Sure, there might be puppies who do more tricks, or do the same tricks better, but you have your own unique talents that they don't have. We can only do what we can do. We can't do what someone else can do. And we have a choice about how to respond to that: We can be jealous and wish we were someone we aren't, or we can celebrate the accomplishments of other puppies and people, and recognize our own talents, investing our energies making sure we do best what we can do best." And the puppy said, "You're right, Tom. Admiration and achievement feels way better than jealousy and self-criticism." And Tom said, "There's enough room on this big planet for everyone to be special, and for everyone to be loved for their special qualities." And the puppy said, "Love really does always win, inside us and out." And Tom gave the puppy THE BEST TREAT.
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