Tom Hardy and a Puppy Visit Poets' Corner at Westminster Abbey

image of the floor at Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey, focusing in on the marker for Alfred Lord Tennyson; in the bottom righthand corner of the image, the top of a pair of blue Converse sneakers and a pair of grey dog paws are visible

"Tom," said the puppy, cocking its head to one side, "you know that phrase 'you teach people how to treat you'?" And Tom said, "Uh-huh." And the puppy said, "I kind of don't like it. Sometimes, no matter how nicely I ask, there are people and puppies who treat me in ways I ask not to be treated." And Tom said, "I know what you mean. It reminds me of the conversation we had about the word 'normal.' Its application is useful only insomuch as it helps an individual person define boundaries with people in their lives who want to respect those boundaries, but when it's used as a general rule for dealing with people in general, it quickly turns into some real victim-blaming codswallop." And the puppy said, "Exactly. If someone breaches my consent, they have to be accountable for that—it's not about whether I am failing to be my own best advocate." And Tom said, "Right, puppy. All you can do is clearly define your boundaries, and remember that you don't owe anything to anyone who refuses to respect them." And the puppy said, "Thank you for always treating me kindly, Tom." And Tom said, "Thank you for always treating me kindly, puppy." And then someone hushed them, because they were talking in the Abbey, and they giggled.

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