[Content Note: Christian Supremacy.]
Last week, I shared that Pope Francis had reversed course on two millennia of Catholic doctrine and declared that atheists aren't axiomatically terrible garbage demons after all! But whooooooooooooops! It turns out we still are, and Vatican spokeslord the Rev. Thomas Rosica has issued some helpful explanatory text which explains that "all salvation comes from Christ, the Head, through the Church which is his body. Hence they cannot be saved who, knowing the Church as founded by Christ and necessary for salvation, would refuse to enter her or remain in her." That's obviously a perfect explanation in several ways.
There's a lot more, but the basic gist is that Catholics are still meant to believe that atheists will be consigned to eternal hellfire by a vengeful god. Along with everyone else who isn't Catholic. Wheeeeee!
"And everything felt right with the universe again."—Shakesville 5:29.
Btw, my favorite headline about this cool reversal goes to Cahir O'Doherty at Irish Central: "Vatican corrects infallible pope: atheists will still burn in hell." LOL!
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