James Franco, at the Cannes Film Festival last week.
What—did you think James Franco wasn't going to promote and premiere his newest film, an adaptation of William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying that he wrote, directed, and stars in, wearing a fedora and reflective sunglasses? You're so weird.
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I'm keen to see this film at some point. Whether it's good or bad, I suspect it will at least be interesting. (See: Generally why I am fascinated by James Franco.) I adore this lede in an LA Times piece about the film:
Even by the standards of 20th-century postmodernists, William Faulkner is considered a difficult, if not unfilmable, moviemaking challenge. His sentences can be fractured, his action can be interior and his points-of-view often splatter in 10 different directions.Because James Franco.
So of course James Franco thought this was good movie material.
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