Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by tomatillos.

Recommended Reading:

Jessica Luther is covering the goings-on in Texas regarding the omnibus anti-choice bill at her blog and on Twitter. UPDATE: Also see: Dan Solomon.

BYP: Lawyer for Trayvon Martin's Family Speaks Out on Jury Selection and Equal Justice

Michelle: On the AMA Declaring Obesity a Disease [Content Note: The post at this link includes discussion of fat hatred; disablism.]

Tami: A Rundown of What's Going on with Penny Arcade Now [Content Note: The post at this link includes discussion of transphobia; misogyny.]

Trudy: God Is Handing Out Coffee Money! Act Now! [Content Note: The post at this link includes discussion of religious supremacy.]

Andy: Legislation Proposed to Restore Honor to Veterans Discharged from Military for Being Gay

Jamilah: Here's 16-Year-Old LeBron James Talking About How Good He Is at Basketball

Leave all the great links to stuff you've been reading and/or writing about in comments!

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