The House will vote next week on a bill banning abortions across the country after 20 weeks of pregnancy.Ha ha great reporting. "Some medical professionals." Graduates of the Bill Frist Institute for Garbage Medicine, no doubt.
Doug Heye, deputy chief of staff to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., confirmed to CQ Roll Call that the chamber is on track to consider legislation next week that would ban all abortions after the 20-week threshold — the point at which some medical professionals believe a fetus can begin to feel pain.
This bill has literally zero chance of passing in the Senate, even if it passes in the House. (And it probably will, since there's a Republican majority in the House, and the Republican Party has long ago jettisoned even the mere appearance of decency or integrity.) So it is a total waste of time, aside from communicating, again, to women and other people with uteri that the Republican Party doesn't give a fuck about us, except as incubators for future patriots or political footballs.
And doesn't give much of a fuck about anything else, either.
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